1. "Korea I, II, III, 1904" (JLP 421-423)
315 photos taken by JL during the Russo-Japanese War; The photos feature Japanese and Russian solddiers and artillery, Korean scenes and religious building, villages, some fishing scenes, his arrival of Kunsan, Pusan, Chemulpo, Pyong Yang, Manyongi, and a few photos of JL himeslf.
2. Photo Album 1-13 (JLP446-451)
Most of the photoss, Jack and Charmian London took in their travels and at home were pasted into ninty-three small and thirty large photo albums. Contact prints of these photos have been assembled and are available for reference in Boxes 486-510. Each box contains five albums JPL 439-451(album no.1 -13). Title of album is "Korea" and dated in "1904".
However, some photos in the albums were taken not by JL but others, and JL might bought them in Seoul , and should be careful that some captions were wrongly described.
Interesting photos:
no. 247: no. 1 mapu escorted London during his stay in Korea
no. 220: no.2 mapu
nos. 221, 223, 224, 225, 30480, 40480: Manyongi
nos. 11, 1321, 1325; JL took many pictures of the wrestling scenes of Japanese soldiers and Korean play of Chang Gi. And utilized this wrestling(sumo) and Korean game of Chnag Gi in his novel of Star-rover.
Some photos of the head of Kim ok-kyun, Si-hyung Choi, and Ki Sang. and one shocking photo almost all naked.
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